CCTV or closed circuit TV is a prevalent method of protecting residential or business property. The fact that the broadcast is closed means that a CCTV system is set up to be viewed on a limited number of screens.
To see if it’s a good solution for you, let’s consider their advantages and disadvantages.
Pros of CCTV
A CCTV set-up can serve as a deterrent to crime. Criminals move on to what they believe are easier targets. They don’t want the trouble of being recorded in the act.
Related to the above, these systems allow you to record in real-time. If someone attempts to break into your home, you can record them in the act. The footage acts as evidence that the event happened.
Modern CCTV systems allow you to monitor your home or business from anywhere. Your CCTV system can be set up so live footage can be sent and viewed over the Internet on your cell phone or laptop, while you are away.
Installing a CCTV system yourself is a relatively low-cost option. Your entire house can be outfitted for a few hundred dollars. A professional installation costs more, but you have the added peace of mind of experts monitoring your home security. Both choices are low maintenance.
You can also choose to have motion sensors with your CCTV system. These record only when there is activity. This is good if you have limited space to store video footage.
Cons of CCTV
Many modern CCTV systems are wireless. This offers you the advantage of being able to view your home or office over the Internet remotely. You should know that this convenience presents its own security risk.
Like all things run over the Internet, wireless CCTV systems can be hacked. If you’re getting a wireless set up, take extra precautions to ensure the feed cannot be intercepted by someone who doesn’t mean you well.
Depending on where you live, there may be additional legal issues you need to be aware of when installing a CCTV camera system. Check that the position you place it in does not violate privacy laws or anyone’s civil rights.
For additional advice on CCTV systems and on what you can do to keep your home secure, don’t hesitate to contact us Wynwood Locksmith at 786-358-6116.